Questions to Ask Before Foot Surgery


At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, conservative, non-invasive treatments are always the first line of defense for foot and ankle disorders. But sometimes, surgery becomes the best or only option to improve your condition. Podiatric surgery needn’t be something to be afraid of. Many procedures are simple and can be done on an outpatient basis. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can help ease fears and ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. Below are some questions to ask the foot surgeon:

“What is done during this procedure?” The foot doctor can walk you through the surgery and explain what will be done and why. Taking the mystery out of the procedure will help you understand the treatment plan for your condition and give you confidence in the outcome.

“Is the surgery outpatient or will it require a hospital stay?” It’s common for more minor podiatric surgeries to be performed in-office or at an outpatient surgical center. If your surgery is outpatient, you will most likely need someone to drive you home.

“How painful will it be?” Most of our biggest fears surrounding surgery have to do with pain. The foot surgeon can tell you what type of anesthesia will be used during the procedure and also what pain management options will be available post-surgery, as well as the level of pain you can expect as you recover.

“How long will the recovery take?” Obviously, it’s important to know how much time you will need to take off from work and other regularly scheduled activities. It’s best to be realistic about recovery expectations and line up help at home and on the job so that you can give your foot the time it needs to heal properly. Other questions related to recovery are “How long before I can bear weight on the foot and how soon will I be able to drive?”

“What does the post-surgery care look like?” If you are unable to climb stairs you may need to rearrange your living space. If you will need a scooter, crutches or other special support items you will want to arrange for them ahead of time. It’s also important to know if physical therapy is part of the recovery process so you can plan how to schedule those sessions.

If you don’t understand something pertaining to your foot surgery, ask our podiatrists, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales and Dr. Alexis Kreplick, to go over it again. Our foot and ankle surgeons will want you to fully understand the surgical procedure and recovery process. Have more questions? Contact our nature coast offices in Spring Hill (352 683-5799) or Hudson (727-868-2128).