4 “Minor” Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore
At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle Care, we know nobody loves coming to see the doctor! Many patients will put off seeking evaluation of symptoms because they appear minor or are not painful. However, it can be a mistake as sometimes these are signs of something bigger going on in your feet or your body. Below are some common symptoms you should pay attention to.
1. Dry Skin—skin that’s flaky, itchy, or red may be the beginning of a fungal infection such as athlete’s foot or another type of skin problem like dermatitis. Decreases in the secretion of oils in the skin of your feet are also associated with diabetes. When moisturizing doesn’t help and cracks form in the heels, it can open the way for bacteria to enter and cause an infection.
2. Numbness or Tingling—if it’s getting difficult to feel your feet or notice a burning or tingling sensation, this may point to peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage). Neuropathy can be a sign of diabetes or arterial disease. Numbness may also result from compression of a nerve in the foot or ankle. There is a wide range of potential causes for tingling in the feet as well, including:
a. Vitamin deficiency
b. Fibromyalgia
c. Kidney failure
3. Skin Discoloration— changes in skin color to white, blue or red may indicate a decrease in circulation caused by peripheral arterial disease, heart disease, or hypertension. Bluish or white skin on the toes, especially if accompanied by feelings of cold or pain, may point to Raynaud’s Disease.
4. Brittle Nails—it is not unusual for nails to become more brittle as you age, but they require attention. Nails that are breaking or crumbling on the edges and discolored may be the sign of toenail fungus. Even if no infection is present, it’s essential to make sure you trim nails properly and watchful for ingrown toenails developing.
The only way to know for sure if your minor symptoms are caused by something more significant that requires treatment is to make an appointment with our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, to get your feet checked. Contact our Hudson office by calling 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799 today and maintain a schedule of regular podiatric care for the health of your feet.