Diabetics at Increased Risk for Common Foot Problems
At Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle, our Nature Coast patients diagnosed with diabetes are aware of the threat this disease poses to the feet. Decreased circulation and nerve damage (neuropathy) can lead to serious wounds and infections. However, these conditions associated with diabetes can also make you more susceptible to several common foot issues that may not be as serious, but still require treatment to keep them in check. These include:
Athlete’s Foot—although most people think of neuropathy in terms of sensory perceptions, some nerves control motor function and autonomic nerves, which regulate involuntary body functions. It includes sweating. Patients with diabetes may perspire excessively, creating the perfect breeding ground for fungal infections. Athlete’s foot can spread to other parts of the body. In advanced cases, it can also involve rashes and blisters, which may create a pathway for bacteria to enter the foot, resulting in infection.
Blisters—when you get a blister on your foot, you think it must be from your footwear rubbing on the skin. However, if you have diabetes, you may get diabetic blisters on your legs, feet, or the backs of your hands. These are due to hyperglycemia and should heal when blood sugar levels return to normal.
Dry skin on your feet and heels—your body increases the frequency of urination as a way of getting rid of excess glucose. This, combined with poor circulation, can lead to dry, itchy skin. Increase your water intake and apply a rich moisturizer to your feet morning and night before bed.
Corns—these hard, rough spots on the feet and toes result from pressure on the skin from your shoes. If you have neuropathy, you may miss the usual signs of painful irritation from footwear that’s not fitting correctly.
Get Foot Issues Evaluated Promptly
Suppose you have diabetes and notice signs of any of these common foot disorders. In that case, it’s important that you contact our Hudson office by calling 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799 for an appointment so that our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, can examine your feet and treat any developing problems in their earliest stages.