Do’s and Don’ts for Protecting Your Feet on the Job
At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we believe in helping our patients be proactive in the care of their feet. Many occupations require people to be on their feet for most of the day. Teachers, nurses, cashiers and construction workers are just a few examples. This can take a toll on your feet and increase your risk for several foot disorders, including plantar fasciitis, flat feet, edema and more. Follow the do’s and don’ts below to maximize comfort and minimize your risk for podiatric disorders.
Do: invest in good shoes! This is one of the most important ways to prevent foot problems, particularly if your work demands that you be on your feet for long hours. Shoes should fit properly and provide strong ankle and arch support. Cushioned insoles will provide shock absorption and protect the balls of your feet.
Don’t: delay seeking treatment for foot pain and other unusual symptoms. The added pressure on your feet is likely to make a foot problem get worse in a hurry. If you suspect something is wrong, make an appointment for our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, to evaluate your feet as soon as possible at our Spring Hill (352 683-5799) or Hudson (727-868-2128) office.
Do: try to add padding if your work surface is hard. If you wash dishes or work on an assembly line, see about getting a cushioned mat to stand on while our work. Standing on hard surfaces increases the strain on your feet.
Do: change positions frequently. If you can, break up standing with periods of sitting. If that’s not possible, try shifting your weight from one leg to the other and lifting your feet of the ground one at a time. When you get a break, sit, stretch and even gently massage your feet to keep the blood flowing and give your feet some rest.
Don’t: choose fitness activities outside of work that put even more stress on your feet. Avoid sports where your feet are pounding like basketball and running. Instead, look for low impact choices like swimming and biking.
If you have questions about how to protect your feet on or off the job, contact us.