5 Ways to Brighten Socially Isolated Days


At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we know as the days of being socially isolated continue, many of our Nature Coast patients are experiencing a wide range of emotions from stress and anxiety to boredom. The virus has caused all of us to make drastic alterations to our daily lives. Even we have had to institute some extra precautions in our Spring Hill (352 683-5799) and  Hudson (727-868-2128) offices, which you can read about here. The good news, however, is that there are some positive signs that our efforts are paying off. While you continue to do your part to help limit the spread of coronavirus, we have some suggestions for uplifting ways to spend some of your time.

  1. Reach out—write a note, send a card, or make the call to that person you’ve meaning to get in touch with. Be particularly mindful of people who live alone, for whom the isolation is even more difficult. Staying connected with family and friends is crucial to our wellbeing. It’s also a chance to share things in writing that texting and emails just don’t convey well.

  2. Learn a new skill—thanks to YouTube and the internet, you can teach yourself virtually anything from knitting, to how to change the oil in your car. What’s something you always wanted to learn how to do?

  3. Grow something. Have some herb or vegetable seeds delivered with your next grocery order and start them in pots. You can continue to grow them on your deck, or move to an outdoor garden.

  4. Do some virtual travel. What places have you always wanted to visit? Enjoy travelogues on television, research countries, attractions, historic sites, and natural wonders. Create a short list of 3 places near or far that you definitely want to visit.

  5. Plan a post-virus get together to look forward to. While the coronavirus may mean new norms for socializing, you’ll certainly get together with friends. Think about a dinner party or brunch you’d like to serve. Look up recipes, plan decorations, and start dreaming up a fabulous celebration.

No matter what, we’re here for any foot care issues you may have. Contact our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, if you have any podiatric questions or concerns.