The Benefits of Custom Orthotics


At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we find many of our Nature Coast patients suffer from lower extremity problems that could be reduced or even eliminated with a simple, non-invasive solution: custom orthotics. These shoe inserts that are custom-molded from a digital scan of your foot may be prescribed for children, adults, and seniors for one of several reasons:

  • Shock absorption

  • Reduction in pressure

  • Better balance

Orthotics can correct faulty biomechanics in your feet by reducing abnormal motion when you walk or run and evening out the disbursement of pressure on the bottom of your feet. It means relief of several common disorders, such as:

Custom orthotics can also help athletes improve performance and make participation in sports more comfortable.

Custom vs. Over-the-Counter

Often patients will ask what the difference is between custom orthotics and the over-the-counter kind you can buy at the drug store. Think of it the same way as you would glasses. While you can buy non-prescription glasses that will generally magnify what you’re looking at, they won’t address your specific vision defects. The same is true with orthotics. No two feet are alike. In fact, using an insert that is too rigid, too hard, or wrong for your foot can result in pain and injury.

If you have chronic foot pain or a condition that you would like to know if custom orthotics can improve, contact us for an appointment at your soonest convenience. Our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, will perform a complete examination of your feet and also go over your medical history. Whether a pre-made insert will suit your needs or your condition requires a custom-molded orthotic, the podiatrist will let you know.